It’s time to speak up!
In 2022, our community came together in an incredible
display of unity and determination, raising an impressive £40,000 to take CHP to court. We fought passionately to protect our beloved green space, a vital part of our community’s identity. Although we lost the Judicial Review and our Appeal was refused, we want to continue to make sure our voices are heard.
Howarth Homes has now submitted a substandard proposal for a
major scheme and it’s time to speak up again! Your thoughts matter! At outline planning, we had 677 objections—let’s build on that momentum.
The community has until 13th Jan 2025 comment online at this link: Barnet Application reference 24/4315/RMA
The Fallow Court Residents’ Association will object based on the below, and if you wish to read these in more detail, click here:
- The application is substandard for a major scheme, with poor design and lack of detail. No confirmed details on materials for the building or landscaping have been provided.
- The design fails to meet the required “high-quality & stepped design” as stated in the PO report when outline planning was granted. The scheme features a flat roof and lacks characteristics in keeping with the local area.
- Public consultation was flawed: letters were sent late, not all households received them, and no feedback was recorded effectively.
- The Design and Access statement is vague and it is obvious the application was rushed despite having three years to work on it. This needs to be scrutinised by the new Barnet Quality Review Panel.
- The application deviates from the approved parameter plan, contradicting condition 1 of outline consent.
- Numerous missing documents- examples includes Design and Access Statement missing 1.11, 1.12, 1.13. Landscape masterplan key states ‘please refer to landscape consultant’s report and plans for more details’. These plans are not in the application. Air quality Assessment plus many more missing.
- Police objections remain unaddressed, particularly concerns about “designing out crime.”
- No daylight/sunlight assessment has been submitted, violating validation requirements.
- Parking spaces have been reduced from 53 to 45, violating London Plan requirements.
- The removal of podium parking increases hard landscaping compared to the outline planning permission.
- The proposed development fails to achieve the required 10% Biodiversity Net Gain (BNG) and Urban Greening Factor.
Further reading
Urban green spaces in London like Finchley Memorial Hospital green space have many benefits including:
- huge value for people’s physical and mental health
- creating £950m savings for the National Health Service
- supporting community cohesion
- boosting climate resilience whilst supporting local wildlife
Read about the role of green space in London’s COVID-19 recovery
The Mayor of London’s Green Spaces Commission published a report which concluded that:
- green spaces in London are valued by Londoners, bring multiple benefits and need to be championed
- over 75% of those surveyed nationally think that green spaces bring communities closer together
- London’s green spaces reduce urban temperatures by 2°C during heat waves
Read the London Green Spaces Commission report