Hello Oliver, Barnet Councillors and MP.
I live on Bow Lane (N12 0JL) and I would like to strongly voice my opposition to the proposed development of the green space in front of Finchley Memorial Hospital.
I object on the following grounds:
- The scale of the buildings on Bow Lane is too large and the style is out of keeping with the Edwardian street.
- Too few parking spaces will be provided on site causing parking to spill over to the neighborhood streets which do not have capacity to accomodate them
- The increase of traffic on Bow Lane, as well as the reduction in pull over spaces due to increased use of parking spaces will cause a traffic blockage. We had an example of this when they recently blocked parking on Granville Road during pavement repairs. There were several near fist fights on Bow Lane as people were unable to pass each other on the street.
Finally, I would like to state that the pre-consultation process has been ineffective if not disingenuous. Interested parties were unable to engage in a real discussion within the highly controlled Zoom meetings. Similarly, the surveys on the website use misleading design patterns which invalidate any statistics collected — for example, the question “Which range of building heights would you be happy with? A. 3 to 6 storeys. B. 3 to 5 storeys, C. No higher than 4 storeys, D. Don’t know” does not allow for an answer “none of the above” or “only houses in keeping with the streetscape”.