Andrew’s objections

Dear Oliver, Barnet Councillers and Mike,

I live on [HIDDEN] and am writing to strongly oppose this development in all its forms.

The streets surrounding the development are already congested and are a rat run between Granville Road, Ballards Lane, The High Road and Squires Lane. Cars already travel through these narrow roads at high speeds causing risks to the dozens and dozens of young children living There. This proposed development will add the following issues to the area:

1) Addition of enormous stresses of parking:
130 apartments could conceivably add over 130 additional vehicles to the surrounding streets. 38 proposed parking spaces is wholly inadequate for the conception of the development let alone for future proofing as these properties change hands. Owing to the distance to the tube every households are already car owners in the area.

2) Additional stresses on the local amenities: Doctors Surgeries, dentists, local shops, and the already limited public transport.

3) Loss of valuable green space, putting further stresses on the already crowded Victoria Park

4) The development is completely out of character with the local Edwardian properties and is trying to turn an Edwardian suburb into a densely populated central London borough. The neighbouring properties are houses, not flats, date from the early 20th centuryand absolutely no attempt has been made to at least make the proposal sympathetic to these points and does not comply at all with Barnet’s Planning policy DM01.

I believe the development to be disingenuous and cynical at best. The proposal that this development is for NHS and key workers is unsubstantiated, unaffordable to them and has no validation that there will be a clear process to ensure the properties are delivered to those workers. It is a cynical proposal based on the current goodwill that the NHS enjoys to push this development through.

For these reasons I strongly object to this development.

Yours Sincerely


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