Dear All
I live on [HIDDEN] and I am contacting you regarding my concerns about the proposed development at Finchley Memorial Hospital.
As a resident I cannot believe that a development of the nature proposed is even being considered. The existing infrastructure cannot cope as it is – for example parking is already an issue on the road and the double parking causes significant issues for traffic as Bow Lane is a busy road with the school, hospital and people using it as a short cut. It is not usual for there to be quite heated discussions and horns beeping as cars struggle to pass each other. The situation on surrounding roads is not any better. How will highway safety therefore be addressed? In addition the nearby schools do not have sufficient places to offer places to the children within their catchment as it is and I am sure it is the same with other key services too – so how will this be addressed? Also has the potential impact on air quality been considered/assessed?
My understanding is that when the new hospital was built this land was promised to the community and anyone observing it during lockdown will have seen that it was a lifeline for the local community – both young and old. What has happened to this promise?
The proposed development is also completely out of character with the surrounding area and would be an eye sore. How is this aligned with Barnet’s planning policy? In addition it is likely to significantly impact on the daylight in the surrounding area by causing overshadowing. In addition there is also a risk of loss of privacy.
Also the proposed development is far too big for the space available.
I am also extremely concerned about the process ie making proposals during lockdown when it is difficult for people to come together and object collectively and then submitting the application during the summer holidays when a significant number of people are likely to be away. In addition I think it is disingenuous to promote the development as being for NHS staff, particularly at this time, when actually reading the small print this is not guaranteed.
Please do not allow this proposal to progress.
Kind regards