Mei’s objections

To those concerned with the proposed building works on Finchley Memorial hospital green space,

I live near Finchley Memorial hospital (FMH) and use the green space, where the building works are proposed, on a daily basis with my husband and three children. This is where my kids learnt to scoot and ride their bikes, and where they go to let off steam, particularly under the recent pressures of lockdown. There are always loads of young kids playing, riding bikes and running about, as well as older groups of people, including NHS patients, enjoying this precious green space. When the current FMH was built, this space was clearly promised to the community as a green space to enjoy. It has been serving this purpose very well. However, our family and many others would be shut out of using this space should the development take place. 

The current proposition of an ugly 6 storey block of flats is entirely unacceptable. It is outrageously big and totally out of keeping with the surrounding Edwardian buildings. It would block the light, the view would be lost and our green space would be replaced by a towering block of concrete.

There are simply too many flats! They are packed into such a high density configuration that the surrounding area would be subjected to much unwanted noise and disturbance from the extra residents. There would certainly not be enough parking. The increase in traffic pollution and general congestion would put huge pressure on our daily commutes to work and school. 

So I object in the strongest possible terms. The current green space should remain as promised for the community. We need green spaces as a refuge of calm in our busy city. The recent lockdown has brought home how important such spaces are for us and for the mental wellbeing of generations to come. Pouring concrete on them would be a terrible mistake. 

Yours faithfully


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