Ruth’s Objection

Dear Oliver, Mike and councillors,

I am writing to object to the proposed development for Finchley Memorial Hospital for many reasons.

1. This is a private property development that will mean a loss of extensive public green space to our local community. 

From my kitchen window I see so many people use that area day in, day out. Although there are other parks nearby, the green space in front of Finchley Memorial Hospital is quite unique in that it’s very flat and completely accessible. We love it. 

It’s a wonderful, exercise space, much used and appreciated by many elderly and disabled people and families with young children who appreciate the easy circular path and expansive grassy area. 

Heavily pregnant, I waddled around those paths, I pushed my crying babies around – as do many other new parents, I started my couch to 5k…. my kids and all their local friends have learnt to scoot and cycle there, play football, just go for a quick runaround before dinner,,, we’ve got to know all of our neighbours, dog walkers and dogs… thanks to having an open green space so close by. 

If only all neighbourhoods were so fortunate. The proposed ‘Granville Green’ sounds like a miserable substitute.

2. The proposal is for 130 homes – specifically flats, for rent. This is a huge, high density development, completely out of keeping with the immediate local area which is predominantly semi-detached family houses, mainly owner occupied.

3. Buildings are proposed to be ‘up to 6 stories’ high. Again, this makes for a very large-scale development, completely out of keeping with the streets around it. Even the hospital is only 3 stories, and that’s set low down and way back, away from people’s houses. The nearest flats on the High Road are only 3 stories. 

Regardless of the lower facades, the size of the blocks of flats would dwarf the surrounding houses and buildings – in a completely inappropriate way.

4. There would be just 38 car parking spaces. Of course, bike stores are part of the proposal because this is a legal requirement for new builds. It’s irrelevant. People drive in this area – Finchley residents really love their cars… And these are rental flats which means likely many will be multiple occupancy, not single families. That means even more people and more cars driving on our already busy streets.

5. The claim of homes for NHS staff is disingenuous and has no meaning. You say there will be 50% ‘affordable’ homes- these are rental properties, so affordable to who – the landlord or the tenant? There’s no guarantee to provide those homes to the NHS. We don’t even know who will build the homes so it’s entirely speculative.

This claim is at best, hopeful. At worst, and I’m sad to say this is really how it seems – it’s a shameful, cheap marketing ploy that takes advantage of this miserable coronavirus pandemic and the public’s desire to support of the NHS (and conversely, lack of willing to object to anything that appears to be ‘good’ for NHS staff).

6. It will add even more pressure on our local roads, schools and public services. I live opposite the proposed development site. Schools are heavily oversubscribed already. My own children didn’t get a place at either of our (first and second choice) closest primary schools and therefore go to school 1.5 miles away, in East Finchley. We drive there – so that’s more traffic. 

The nearest local doctor’s surgery at Squires Lane is tiny and completely stretched. It’s impossible to get an appointment. 

And Granville Road is often a bottleneck, Bow Lane is already a rat run for traffic avoiding the High Road. Only last month, a car ran off the street speeding around the corner of the proposed development site. This development will make the traffic far worse.

Please reconsider developing on this site. For all the reasons above, let us keep our community’s green space instead.

Kind regards,


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