Dear Developer
I am lodging my objection to the proposal for building homes for NHS on the Finchley Memorial Hospital site. I do not have any objection with NHS staff but I do with your current proposal. The only gain from the current plans that I can see will be you, the developer.
What guarantee can you offer to the local residents that the properties are for NHS staff only and will never be sold off by someone to make a quick profit??
The residential area surrounding the hospital is 2 storey high so to propose 4 – 6 storeys will totally envelope our skyline and will be overbearing and oppressive. This cannot be allowed.
The green space that is currently provided by the hospital is used by many local people and is well respected by them. It is a safe space for all ages and during lockdown, it have proved invaluable for people to use for their daily exercise.
What additional infrastructure are you offering with your plans and are you going to provide them?
I do hope you are not trying to emotionally manipulate the locals during this pandemic by using the NHS which is the most loved and respected organisation for your own good.
Yours sincerely