Katja’s objections


I live on [HIDDEN] and would like to strongly voice my opposition to the proposed development at the Finchley Memorial Hospital Grounds for a number of reasons:

  1. The scale of the buildings are far too large and the style is not in keeping with the Victorian homes in the neighbourhood. My understanding is that Barnet’s planning policy says that “development proposals should be based on an understanding of local characteristics. Proposals should preserve or enhance local character and respect the appearance, scale, mass, height and pattern of surrounding buildings, spaces and streets.” The proposed buildings do not do this in any way.
  2. The lack of parking and the impact that this will have on the surrounding roads which already suffer from too many cars and not enough parking spaces
  3. The increased traffic that these additional homes will bring
  4. The impact that these additional houses will have on local services including schools
  5. The loss of green space. The neighbourhood already suffers from a lack of open green spaces and this proposed development will remove a significant area which is vitally important for residents’ wellbeing.
  6. I would like to see more evidence that these homes really are for NHS staff. Where is the research and evidence to support this proposal? To me, it seems like an opportunistic development that is taking advantage of the current goodwill and gratitude towards the NHS.
  7. I’m also concerned that this proposal has been rolled out at a time when the community cannot gather to discuss it properly.

Many thanks in advance.


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