Yuko’s objections


Re: Development of the green space at Finchley Memorial Hospital

I am writing as an resident on [HIDDEN] to object strongly to above development on the following grounds.

1. This proposed development would have 130 new houses with only 38 car parks. It will cause traffic problems and create a safety hazards. Surrounding streets already suffers from severe traffic congestion and I see often people get frustrated and yelling or beeping each other. There is a primary school on Bow Lane and I’m sure you can easily imagine the situation gets worse at school run times and on rainy days. We can’t take more traffic for safty reason and we need to secure parking spaces for current residents who majority don’t have car park on their own premisis. 

2. I understand that CHP is claiming that 50% of homes are for NHS staff. But that’s only their ‘aspiration’ and not guaranteed. Yet how it sounds mislead people as if this is solely for NHS staff and it’s guaranteed (In fact, I saw such comments on FB). In this global pandemic, when people appreciate NHS staff, this is deliberate false marketing to get local support. I think that’s totally disrespectful to local residents.

3. Also starting this proposal in this lockdown period exempts them holding face-to-face meeting. That makes local people difficult to know each other, exchange each other’s opinion or discuss together. If they have a bit of courtesy to local residents, they could wait until lockdown finished to start or extend consultation period.   

4. Proposed buildings are too high and seems too ‘block’ like. It is an inappropriate for the area. They will overlook our houses. They would completely alter the character of our Edwardian houses area and will lead to a loss of privacy and impact on sunlight. 

5. There are so many new buildings are in the same area. I have read there is another ‘affordable’ housing proposal which is for 7 buildings with 300 homes on the site where currently Homebase is (679 High road). In this lockdown period, I realised how people embrace green open spaces, just like one at Finchley Memorial Hospital. Despite having lots of ‘affordable’ housing in the same area, protecting of green space must be paramount for people’s mental health. Surely, any new buildings, if needed, should be built without loosing green space. The loss of green space would be the detriment of us and our future generations. 

I trust that the above objections will be taken fully into account in determining this proposal. 

Yours sincerely, 


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